This guide will summarize all Slot Management features, and how machines operate in the system.
List of Actions:
Here, we will explain what is each of the actions located at the dropdown menu ("Select" icon). This menu can be accessed for each machine, and actions performed individually.
1. Promote
This action will start the slot machine to operate in the system and will allow it to read the machine meters.
In a secure environment, this action must be assigned only to admin users or to key users.
2. Demote
This action will exclude the machine from the reports and will lock the machine from usage - is rarely used.
This action in some scenarios can be used when a machine is out of service for maintenance and you don't want to count anymore in reports. As said, is rarely used.
3. Archive
This action will make a meters/cash balance closing of the machine and will maintain the slot machine in the reports.
This action is often used when a RAM clear was performed in the machine, then, after archiving, the slot will be waiting to be promoted again with zero meters. Another situation is when the machine is out of service and you still want to count this on the reports.
4. Delete
This action will remove a machine - only valid for slots that have no meters.
It's used in scenarios where an error was made by the technician that is configuring the machine, then the slot can be deleted to start again the configuration.
5. Dismiss Events
This action will dismiss all events reported in the event column, such as printer and slot issues.
6. Reboot
This action will reboot the ELA (EasyLinx Adapter) of the slot.
7. Soft Reset
This action will reset only the application that is running in the slot machine.
This action is used when there is a configuration change that comes from the server. For example, if there is a change in the name of the location printed in the tickets - you can soft reset to update this piece of info.
8. Log Summary
This action is for debugging matters - used by the maintenance team. All the data from the slot software will be summarized in a simple report, such as the hour of the ELA and shield versions.
9. View Log File
This action is also for debugging matters, like the 'Log Summary', but in detail.
10. Do Not Set Slot Clock
This action will not allow the ELA to set the machine clock. This action is used when you aim to prevent licensing issues with financed slot machines used at the location.
11. Lock
This action will lock the slot. Often used when there is a need to put the machine out of service.
12. Unlock
This action will unlock the slot that has been locked.
13. Set Logs ON
This action will start the logs recording in files.
14. Set Logs OFF
This action will disable the logs recording in files - default configuration in an ELA.
15. Toggle Screen Debug
This action will show in the ELA screen the log summary information. Can be useful when maintenance is been performed in the slot and there is a need to check the summary info by the technician.
16. Set System Validation
This action is for generating the bar code number of the tickets issued by the slot. There are two types of validation: Enhanced and System validation. The first one will set the bar code number generation task to the machine. The second will assign the bar code number generation task just to the server.
17. Update ELA
This action will update the ELA of the slot machine.
18. Factory Settings
This action will erase the configuration document from the ELA. All ELAs work with factory settings. Only special scenarios will use customized settings. For this reason, action "Factory Settings" must not be used unless permission from EasyLinx is given.
19. Bonus Test
This action will send one dollar promo to the slot to check if the machine is compatible with the bonus concept. This action is needed when you want to award promo winners players (Hot Seats and Jackpots, for example) with a bonus directly in the slot.
20. Bonus - Do Not Enforce Legacy Bonus
This action will choose the method of the Bonus payment of the bonus tested machine slots: the Current Bonus or the Legacy Bonus.
21. Enable Cashless
This action will enable the cashless in and cashless out features of the slot with the client's wallet. Used at locations that use the Cashless feature.
22. Enable Bill Validator (temporary)
This action will test if the Bill Validator can be enabled by the system - can be checked in the slot that the BV will be disabled and, shortly after, will be enabled.
23. Disable Bill Validator (temporary)
This action is analogous to the previous one, but the opposite.
24. Force PCR (5 minutes)
This action will force the Power Cycling Recovery (PCR) of the ELA's shield in a five minutes test period. This action can be used when an ELA is frozen and the automatic PCR, for whatever reason, was not triggered.
List of status (bubbles)
Each machine on the Slot Management page has a status. The status can indicate a variety of situations/scenarios. Now, we will explain what each color means. It's important to clarify that status bubbles are related to the ELA (EasyLinx adapter), and not to the machine specifically.
1. Green
Indicates machine communication is good. Meters from the system and from the machine match, and any increase in the machine meters, will be communicated to the system.
2. Yellow
Indicates Orphan Adapter. ELA (EasyLinx Adapter) has no communication from the machine.
3. Light Green
Indicates manual or system lock.
Manual lock: action "Lock" was used for this specific ELA, locking the machine and giving it Light Green status.
System lock: RAM Clear happened, and to prevent gaming activity, the system locked the ELA automatically. (in this case, the status might be blue as well, indicating Late Meters and lock).
4. Red
Indicates ELA offline. ELA has not communicated the system of its activities, so red status was given. Normally appears when the ELA has no power.
5. Blue
Indicates that the slot has late (rejected) meters - meters lower than registered in the system -, but is not locked to play. Normally happens when it was performed a RAM cleared (Light Green status might appear, indicating System Lock).
6. Black
Indicates that the slot has been identified by the system and is waiting to be promoted. When the machine is Black, no activity will be accounted on the system. After Promoting (action "Promote), gaming activity will be accounted and shown on reports.
1. Inserting a new machine in the system
After configuring and installing the ELA correctly, machine will appear on the Slot Management page with status bubble "Black". When not promoted yet, machine will have screen message saying "Machine disabled by host" or related message. After promoting (action "Promote"), wait 1 minute and machine will receive status "Green" on the slot management page. Now, it is operating and can play.
Further slot configuration can be found here: How to setup new machines in the system
2. Machine cleared but not updated in the system:
When a machine is cleared, but not archived before being cleared, system will give a different status, called "Rejected Meters", and indicated by bubble "Blue". This happens when the machine is not archived (action "Archive") before being cleared.
For this reason, when the status is "Blue", it needs to receive an action "Archive". After some minutes, it will appear on the slot management list as status "Black". Then, an action of "Promote" is needed to put the machine online and operating.
3. ELA offline
When the ELA has no communication with the system or it is turned off, it will appear on the list with status "Red". This normally indicates ELA is offline (with no power) because the machine is also offline. When turned on, it will start communicating with the system and status "Green" will be given.
4. Orphan Adapter
When ELA receives status "Yellow", it indicates that ELA is online and communicating with the system, however, the communication with the machine is not working (ELA doesnt receive any signal from the machine). A slot power cycle should be done. If the machine status comes as "Yellow" after the power cycle, it normally indicates hardware problems. Jumpers should follow the Slot brand to communicate.
List of icons:
1st icon: Indicates the slot status
Green: Slot is online
Red: Slot is offline
Yellow: ELA adapter is online, but slot is not communicating (orphan adapter)
Blue: Late meters. Meters that ELA received are not the same as the slot is giving
2nd icon: Indicates Enhanced or System Validation.
Enhanced (E green sign)
System (S red sign)
3rd icon: Indicates if the slot has credits.
Credits (green sign)
No credits (grey sign)
4th icon: Indicates if the slot is working with AFT (Advanced Funds Transfer):
A: AFT Enabled
Bar code: AFT and EFT Disabled – TITO (Ticket in Ticket out) only
A dollar sign: AFT Enabled (Cashless enabled)
5th icon: Indication for Bonus purposes:
Exclamation sign: Bonus -> AFT Bonus Disabled, but not yet tested/confirmed.
Dislike sign: Bonus -> AFT and Legacy Bonus Disabled.
Correct sign: Bonus -> AFT Bonus Last Confirmed at: M/D/Y h:m:s
6th icon: Indicates promotional tickets:
P Sign (green or grey): Promotional tickets accepted and issues on the last 24 hours.
7th icon: Indicates if the ELA is ON or OFF:
Greyed sign: ELA is off and cannot be accessed.
Colorful sign: ELA is on and can be accessed (click on the icon to see)
8th icon: Engine icon
It contains further slot information. It also allows the user to configure if the slot will have Cashless In only, Cashless Out only, or both (full cashless):
9th icon: Indicates signal strength and machine connection method with the system
Wi-Fi icon: shows signal strength and also the machine connection method (Wi-Fi)
Ethernet port icon: shows machine connection method (cable)
10th icon: machine number/serial
Indicates asset number and SAS ID -> 10 (12)
10 is the asset number
12 is the SAS ID
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