This document will guide you through the steps to set up a CountR kiosk.
1. Open top door or use tech card to login with a master account:
2. Tap on Continue, Configuration, Terminal.
3. Select the Main tab (may require a service account):
4. Set Terminal Mode to "Combined Terminal":
5. Select COS tab
Server URL:
Fill out username, password, machine ID, and shared secret to match EasyLinx kiosk setup.
Redeem Tickets: Enable
Enable Ticket Creation: Enable
Create Tickets as Change: Enable
6. Select Jackpot tab (may require a service account):
Jackpot System Type: EasyLinx
Host URL:
Fill out username, password, machine ID, and shared secret to match EasyLinx kiosk setup.
7. Click on the red “X” at the bottom left to return to the main menu.
8. Navigate to “Administration" and "Payout Rules”:
Set up a new payout rule using the “New” button. This is important for jackpots and further defines which operators may pay out which jackpots, and amounts. In this example, no limits are set (99,999,999).
9. To save the changes Restart the kiosk.
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