This document will guide you through the progressive Jackpot configuration. You'll be able to understand and configure your own Jackpot.
1. Login with an admin user:
2. Under the "Marketing" dropdown list, select "Local Area Progressive Jackpot":
3. The following screen will appear:
4. Click on "New Progressive Jackpot":
5. A new jackpot line will appear. On the same line, configurations can be made, such as:
- Enable/Disable the jackpot
- Edit: click to configure further settings
- Remove button: this button will delete the jackpot if clicked
- Description: put a title or further details about this jackpot
- Yield impact: percentage showing the impact on slots yield
- Levels: number of levels the jackpot has (example: 3 levels -> Mini, Mega, Mighty)
6. Click on the pencil to edit the jackpot:
7. The Jackpot levels will appear on the right if already created. If not created, click on "New Level" and create up to 3 levels.
8. Now the configuration of each level created needs to be done. To start, please type the desired description of each level. Default description is already in place:
9. Next, we can set the Minimum Amount and Maximum Amount for each level.
10. The next field is called "Never Hit Before". You can specify an amount between the maximum and minimum amount of the level. The "Never Hit Before" makes the Jackpot wait until specified amount is reached, so the Jackpot will not hit before this amount is attained. Example:
Minimum: 1000
Maximum: 2000
Never hit before: 1500
Conclusion: This Jackpot level will not hit before 1500. It will hit between 1500 and 2000.
Note: You can leave it 0 if not used.
11. "Force Hit On Max Amt" is a checkbox that if checked, will force a jackpot hit for that level if the current amount of the Jackpot reaches the Maximum Amount specified earlier. Once the current amount reaches the maximum amount, the hit will happen within 100 games.
12. "Force hit Now". This setting can be used manually. If checked, the Jackpot level will hit within the next 100 games after checking the "Force hit Now" field. Once clicked, it cannot be turned back off. This means that Jackpot hit will happen even if you uncheck the field.
Note: If you refresh the Jackpot page after the Jackpot hit, the checkbox will not be checked anymore.
13. The next field is a display field. It will show the current amount of the jackpot level.
14. The field "Increment multiplier" is responsible for the increment of amounts on the Jackpot. It is a percentage number, multiplied with the bet the player makes. Example:
100 dollars bet (coin in) x percentage/100 = increment on the jackpot current amount
15. Qualifying bet. This field will determine the bets (coin in) qualified to receive the jackpot price, if it hits.
Note: Non-qualified bets increment the jackpot amount, but are not qualified to receive the price.
16. Hit Odds 1x. This field shows the probability concept. It indicates how many theoretical qualifying bets are required to hit the Jackpot.
17. Allow Anonymous. Field used to allow non-identified players to win a jackpot.
18. Select the Payment method. This configuration can vary according to the location's operating method.
- Player Account (cashier account if anonymous hit): if the awarded player has a membership card and the same is being used during the jackpot hit, this option will pay the player on his Cash Wallet.
- Anonymous Cashier account: this option will pay the price on the "Cashier - Anonymous Cashout Ledger".
- Slot Bonus (Hand Paid Jackpot): this payment method will force a hand paid Jackpot - more details can be seen in How to use the Handpay article.
- Slot Bonus (Credits Jackpot): this payment method will transfer credits directly to the slot credits if they are Bonus Tested by the system. If not Bonus Tested, the amount will be printed as a Cashable ticket on the Cashier Printer. If Bonus Tested, and the amount is above 1200, the slot will force Jackpot Hand Pay (specific machines have this feature).
- Promotional Ticket: this method will print a promotional ticket on the cashier printer.
- Cashable Ticket: this method will print a cashable ticket on the cashier printer.
19. Prize Halt field. Used to make the machine/slot lock. The options are:
- Halt slot for 15 seconds
- Halt slot until reset (open meters to reset)
- Do not halt slot
20. Alert Users field. Put the users that will receive a email alert when the jackpot hits.
21. Select the Group of Machines/Slots included on the Jackpot. Incrementing and pricing will only be done by selected Group of Machines. The selection is per Jackpot.
22. Now, the Jackpot can be enabled on the "Enable" checkbox, on the left side:
Best Practices:
- Yield impact: is the sum of all level yields. The total yield should be less than 1%. More than 1% should be used temporarily or for promotion only. Yield is affected by Qualifying Bet Amount, Odds, Increment Multiplier and Minimum Amount.
- Force Hit on Max Amount should be used to avoid stalled Jackpots on Max
- Force Hit now should only be used for special events when Jackpot is desired to hit at a specific time (Now).
- Promotional and Cashable tickets are the recommended payment methods. Other methods depend on slot settings and game modes.
- You may use odds below 5000. It all depends on the amount of gameplay the slots get. By setting a “never hit before”, you are safe to use low odds. Otherwise, stick to the suggested odds to avoid high yields. Odds value are tied to qualified games played. For example, odds 5,000 will hit once every 5,000 qualified games played (spins). But, you are safe with “never hit before”.
- When using “never hit before” combined with a low “odds value”, it no longer runs on probability odds. It will run a “budget progressive” instead of a “theoretical odds random progressive”. Yield impact can be ignored, as “budget progressives” will run on the budget (dollar values) specified, rather than randomly.
Running Jackpot with a better sound:
Our Jackpot Controller is dedicated to run our Progressive Jackpot, Hot Seat, and Pop Bonus animations.
You may, however, intercept the signal coming from the controller (Display Port) and feed it to a video mixer. The mixer will then merge multiple video signals from different sources, and display them all (video wall, image rotation...). It depends on the mixer you use, we do not supply mixers, but we have seen them in action.
With this setup, we suggest pushing the sound from the P2 sound output, into an amplifier or audio mixer, to avoid missing the sound animation should the progressive hit while the video mixer is displaying something else.
A mixer may not give sound priority to the DisplayPort, and you may hear no sound if your PowerPoint is running at the same time.
We have some installations where the sound is pushed to a soundbar via P2. The sound quality is better than most TVs. You may also push the sound to your promoter's sound system.
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