This document will guide you through the steps to create a user in the system. This process includes user creation, authorization setup, and ledger administration.
Only admin users can create other users.
Creating all types of users (managers, admins, cashiers, etc)
All user's creations follow the same procedure described in the next section. They differ on permissions.
If you are creating a new user that needs different permissions compared with the cashier, you may follow the same 5 first steps described in the cashier section but assign different permissions.
For example, if it's a new manager in the system, assign the permission 'management'. If it is a new admin, assign the 'admin' permission, and so on.
Below is a list of general configurations for cashiers, managers, and admins.
General permissions:
- Slots / Stations
- Cashier
Special user permissions:
- Cashier - issue promotional tickets
- Cashier - Reprint promotional tickets
- Cashier - Reprint Cashable tickets
General permissions:
- Management
- Marketing
Special user permissions:
- Management - Reports
- Marketing- Hot Seats
- Marketing - Progressive Jackpot - Local Area
General permissions:
- Admin
The above permissions can be customized as needed. Please have a look at the document:
Understanding EasyLinx user permissions.
1. Log into the system as an admin user.
2. Click on Admin > Users & Permissions > Users:
3. Click on "Add new User":
4. Fill out the Username, Password, Full Name, and Email address. Then, click on "Save User".
5. On the same screen, we need to find the newly created user on the list. Then, we will click on the key icon.
In this example, we are creating the user 'CashierMorning'.
6. Select from the Permission dropdown list the desired permission according to the user's needs. You can give other permissions as desired. Then, click on "Assign".
7. Now, we need to give the cashier special user permissions to allow some specific actions. Click on Admin > Users & Permissions > Special User permissions.
8. On the top right, you should select the cashier user you just created, and then, select special user permissions from the dropdown list. You should assign them one by one to the specific user. The admin user can decide what special permissions the cashier will have.
9. The next step is to create a ledger for this Cashier. Go to Management > Ledgers / Cash Drawers.
10. Click on "Open new Ledger / Cash Drawer".
11. Select the user, initial cash, and chips. You can leave the last two fields blank so the cashier enters that information. Then, click on "Create New Ledger".
If you are creating a cashier user, please assign the user to the task 'Ledger Open', under Admin->Task Scheduler. This step is very important to track the cashier's activities per day since this task will close and open the ledger every day (the ledger will not be deleted at any moment).
This video will guide the user on how to create a new user in the system.
How to create a new user - Video
Side note:
Recommended related articles:
Understanding EasyLinx user permissions
How to remove a user permission
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