This document will guide you through the steps to check the location list and how to set friendly names and Sub Organizations.
1. To view the list with your locations go to Organization Admin -> Locations:
2. To add a friendly name to your location click on "Edit" (Pencil Icon):
3. On The option "Friendly Name" a name for the location can be added. You can insert a friendly name that will be easy and meaningful to identify the location:
4. On the option "Organization" you can select the Sub Organization, in case you have Sub Organization created for the location.
5. To finish, click on "save" and then the new Friendly Name / Sub Organization will be updated.
Note: In case of any issues with the link to reset the password you can reach our customer care in one of the following channels:
Facebook Messenger: Chat with us (https://m.me/EasyLinx) on Facebook Messenger and easily share files for quick customer care.
Customer Care Tickets: Create a ticket here (https://support.easy-linx.com/hc/en-us) and attach files like videos, audios, and images to get personalized assistance.
SMS: +19549533878
Email: support@easylinx.zendesk.com
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