This document will guide you through the steps to choose the preferred report format. We have 4 options that can be chosen: Default, Cash Balance Only, Meters and Tickets Cashed and Meters Only. It can be very simple or more extensive.
1. To choose the preferred route report format, go to "Organization Admin" -> "Location Report Format"
Este documento le guiará a través de los pasos para elegir el formato de informe preferido. Tenemos 4 opciones que se pueden elegir: Predeterminado, Solo saldo en efectivo, Medidores y boletos cobrados y Solo medidores. Puede ser muy simple o más extenso.
1. Para elegir el formato de informe de ruta preferido, vaya a "Administración de la organización" -> "Formato de informe de ubicación":
2. It will open a list with all the locations, select the location you want to choose a specific format on the check icon on the right. When you select the line color will turn to green :
3. Click on the option "Closing Format" to see the options available for the closing:
Note: The default option will show the complete report. For a route scenario, it can be too extensive.
4. Click on "Apply to Selected" to save the report format for the location selected. You can choose more than 1 location
Note: In case of any issues with the link to reset the password you can reach our customer care in one of the following channels:
Facebook Messenger: Chat with us (https://m.me/EasyLinx) on Facebook Messenger and easily share files for quick customer care.
Customer Care Tickets: Create a ticket here (https://support.easy-linx.com/hc/en-us) and attach files like videos, audios, and images to get personalized assistance.
SMS: +19549533878
Email: support@easylinx.zendesk.com
You can also watch this video to understand this document better:
Closing Report Format Choose preferred route report format
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