- numbers are not increasing even after playing.
- resolution/size of the app is tiny.
Resolution 1:
The first step is restarting the application that runs the Jackpot image. To restart, follow these steps:
1. Go to "Device Drivers" application, under "Tech":
2. Then, on the top bar, find the "Jackpot Screens":
3. Find the Jackpot which is currently running:
4. In the "Action" column, there is a dropdown menu. Once opening this drop down menu, select "Restart Application":
5. Now, the Jackpot application will restart.
Resolution 2:
If even after restarting the application as mentioned on the steps above, the jackpot is still frozen or not working, the box (mini-computer) that gives image to TV screen, should be restarted:
1. Find the black box. It is located behind or very close to the Jackpot Screen. The box is illustrated below:
2. Find the power connector on the back of the box, as shown in the image:
3. Disconnect the cable from the black box, and wait 15 seconds. Then, connect it again and wait.
4. If even after following the above steps, the screen continues frozen, contact our Support
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