This document will show you how to refill at Gewete Cash Center, to refill the cash center, it is super important that the amount inside the cassette is the same as the system.
In the main screen go to "Tools"
Then, Click on "Refill"
To make a new refill, I recommend resetting all values and then entering the correct new value. To reset the amount, Click on "Refill" when the numbers appear, click on "Clear", then on the "+/-" symbol and the "cur.stock" amount and then click ok. You will see that the value of cur.stock is zero, which means that the values will be reset.
After you reset the amount, enter the total amount you have for each bill. For example, if the customer placed 100 bills of 20, you need to enter 100x20 ="2000" and save:
It may happen that when you enter the "Refill" screen you will not find any value and a message saying "NO RECORDS FOUND",
If this happens go to Administration -> Configure -> NT - Service -> Restart - Shutdown -> Restart System
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