This feature is used to schedule a vendor report. We will show below the step by step to create it.
1. The path is: Accounting -> Scheduled Vendor Reports:
2. This is the page:
3. To schedule a vendor report click on the option "Add Daily Report":
4. Then a new line will be automatic added showing the option to Enable/Disable the task, select the time, tittle, the machines that will appear on the report and the Email Users that needs to receive the report:
5. Click on "Save" to save the task:
6. Once saved, it will appear a message confirming that was saved successfully:
7. To create a weekly or monthly report click on the tabs "Weekly" or "Monthly":
Note: In case of any issues with the link to reset the password you can reach our customer care in one of the following channels:
Facebook Messenger: Chat with us (https://m.me/EasyLinx) on Facebook Messenger and easily share files for quick customer care.
Customer Care Tickets: Create a ticket here (https://support.easy-linx.com/hc/en-us) and attach files like videos, audios, and images to get personalized assistance.
SMS: +19549533878
Email: support@easylinx.zendesk.com
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