This article will show you how to run the online/offline games report for days on the new portal.
1. Start by clicking "Tech" → Online/Offline Games Report:
2. Click on "Filters":
3. Now you can choose the locations you want to appear in the report, as well as the number of days you want and the status of the machine (whether it was on or off on those days). After filtering your search, apply the filters and run the report:
4. After running, you will see the report, in it you can find the online or offline games at the specified time and day and the machine group.
5. In the scheduling tab, you can define the days on which this task will run to deliver the report to you by email.
Choose task frequency:
6. Choose what time of day the task will run:
7. Select the users who will receive the report:
8. Choose the locations you want to appear in the report:
9. Choose the number of days and game status:
10. Save the task:
11. On the scheduling screen, make sure to enable the task. Still on this screen, you can select "Run" to run it immediately, remove it, or edit it:
Note: In case of any issues with the link to reset the password you can reach our customer care in one of the following channels:
Facebook Messenger: Chat with us (https://m.me/EasyLinx) on Facebook Messenger and easily share files for quick customer care .
Customer Care Tickets: Create a ticket here (https://support.easy-linx.com/hc/en-us) and attach files like videos, audios, and images to get personalized assistance.
SMS: +19549533878
Email: support@easylinx.zendesk.com
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