The multilocation report is a all locations report, where it shows all of your locations report in only one page, it is like a Closing report but for all the locations at the same time.
The path to access is Accouting -> Multilocation Report:
Report page:
At this page you can see the filters we have for your report:
- Filter Profile: Here you can select your saved profiles for this report, this profile is a set of configurations already done before. (to save a profile you can select the first option of the dropdown)
- Locations: Here you will select the locations you want to see in your report.
- Date range: Here you can select the options for this report time frame.
- To: Here you will select until which date it will go.
- From: Here you will select from when your report start.
- Fields: Here you will select the columns you want to see in your report.
To know more of the columns from the report you can check this document:
How to Schedule a Multi Location Report
Like the Close Accounting it is possible to schedule the Multi Location Report, then it will be automatically send by Email for the users added to receive it in a specific time frame. Here are the steps to schedule a Multi Location report:
1. Go To Accouting -> Multi Location Report:
2. Select the option "Scheduler" (next to the "Slots" tab):
3. Once you click on the option "Scheduler" the following screen will appear:
4. Click on "Add Schedule" to set up the Multi Location Report that will be scheduled:
5. In "Frequency" select the frequency that this report will run, then click on "Next":
6. Select the "Day" And "Time" to run the report, then click on "Next":
7. Click on "Select User to add" to select the users that will receive the Multi Location Report automatically by Email, then click on "Next":
8. Select the locations clicking on the "Extend Icon" or select "All" if you want to have a Multi Location Report for all locations, then click on "Next":
9. Select the Fields to appear on the Multi Location Report clicking on the "Extend Icon" and selecting on the checkbox, once you select, click on "Next":
10. The last step is to review the details of the task created and click on "Save Task" to save it:
11. Once the task is saved it will appear a new line on the screen showing that it is "Enabled":
12. To disable the task click on the option "Enabled" to uncheck the task and to remove it click on the "Remove Icon":
Note: In case of any issues with the link to reset the password you can reach our customer care in one of the following channels:
Facebook Messenger: Chat with us (https://m.me/EasyLinx) on Facebook Messenger and easily share files for quick customer care.
Customer Care Tickets: Create a ticket here (https://support.easy-linx.com/hc/en-us) and attach files like videos, audios, and images to get personalized assistance.
SMS: +19549533878
Email: support@easylinx.zendesk.com
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