This document will guide you through the steps to set the close accounting on the task scheduler and add users to receive the location closing reports.
1. Access the system locally with admin permissions. Under the "Admin" dropdown list click on "Task Scheduler":
2. Task Scheduler screen will appear. Task scheduler is used to schedule tasks and, in our example, we will set the Close Accounting:
3. To schedule a new daily, weekly, or monthly Closing, click on Edit (Pencil Icon):
4. Now, we will go through the following predefined steps to schedule a new task:
Task to be performed
Saving the task
Once you click on "Close Accounting, the following pop up will appear:
4.1 The first step, as mentioned on the list above, is to define the task to be performed, as we clicked to edit the Close Accounting task already created on the system we can just click on the "Next" button to proceed.
4.2 The next step is to choose the task frequency. In this case, we will choose the frequency of the "Close Accounting" task. Should the task happen Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Hourly? In this example we will choose Weekly for informational purposes. Click on "Next" after selecting.
4.3 Now, we will select the "When" part of the task. For the current task we are creating (weekly task of enabling a close accounting report), we will select the day and time of when the Email with the Close Accounting report should be sent to the users selected to receive it. For example, purposes, we selected Monday at 06:00 AM. After selecting the day and time, click on "Next".
4.4 The next step is to select the users. Here you should enter the users that you want to receive the Email with the Close Accounting report. Click on “Select user to add” to, just hit "Next" button to continue.
4.5 Once you click on "Next", you will be able to see the final step. On this screen you can review the task and save it. Revise it and click on "Save task". The current pop up will automatically close and the Close Accounting task will be enabled.
In our example, a weekly close accounting report will be sent by Email to the users added on the task, every Monday at 8AM.
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