This document will guide you through the steps to perform maintenance on a ticket printer. It can solve scenarios when a paper gets stuck or when the printer needs to be cleaned for better printing.
Step by Step:
- Locate the ticket printer
- Open the case that protects the ticket paper
- Remove the second case
- Pull gently the black switch on the top of the printer and then you'll open the printer
- You'll be able to see that there are two yellow parts - one horizontal and one vertical.
- Pull the horizontal piece to lose the pressure where the paper is originally inserted
Now, if a piece of paper got stuck, you're able to remove it and reprint the tickets. If the printer needs to be cleaned, follow step 7. - With isopropyl alcohol, you can clean the printer - as shown below, an isopropyl alcohol pencil can be used
Side notes:
If bad printing still persists, for example, after cleaning, the paper must be checked, since the ticket paper used in this printer is photosensitive.
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