This document will explain the different steps and ways of doing Raffles in EasyLinx software. It's important to understand that Raffles can only be done if Player Registration (membership cards) are being used. (TITO only locations can't use such feature).
Raffle campaigns consist of prizes to be drawn at a specific time. Participating players will register and be deducted a predefined number of points.
3. Understanding main configuration (left side)
4. Understanding player signup (right side)
5. Understanding system drawing (bottom side)
Possible scenario:
The system can be used in only one way:
1. Signup players and make the drawing manually, taking receipts printed by the system and awarding a specific receipt (player).
Insert the coupon (receipt) into a tumbler or bag. On scheduled time, an attendant will randomly pull a coupon from the tumbler and anounce the winner. (registering players is the only required action. Drawing is manually made)
Creating a new Raffle:
1. First of all, we will move on to the Raffle screen. It's important to clarify that Marketing module is specific for those users who receive such permission (Marketing permission).
2. The screen of the Raffle appears and we will create a new Campaign by selecting "Create new Campaign":
3. The main screen appears, and we will go through each field, explaining how it works:
Understanding main configuration (left side):
ID: System field. Used to identify Raffles.
Description: Description of the Raffle. Can be customized according to customer needs.
Date Created: System field. Time stamp indicating when the raffle was created.
Registration Start: it indicates when the registration of the participants will start (can be configured to start in the future)
Registration End: it indicates when the registration period will end. Players will not be able to scan their cards once this time comes.
Cost (points): number of points to be deducted from player's account once card is scanned.
Required Points: minimum points that a player must have to participate
Maximum Signups Per: maximum signups per user. More signups, more chances to win.
Receipt Copies: number of copies to be printed once signup occurs.
Player Count: number of players already signed on the raffle.
Understanding Player Signup (right side):
Player Sign up - Scan Card: to scan player's card, make sure the cursor is located in this field, and then, scan the card. Player will appear on the list below, with registration time and ID.
Printer: here, select the Receipt the printer. Once card is scanned, a receipt will be printed.
Remove (X icon): if doing raffle via system, the operator can remove a player from the list of registered players. This way, once the system selects a player randomly, the player removed will not be selected.
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