When connected to easylinx241 or easylinx51, there is no internet.
System works without internet access and this is standard behavior. Both easylinx241 and easylinx51 will not give internet access.
Can I use the system with other wifi?
No. Once connected in any other network rather than our network (easylinx51 or easylinx241), system will not be available.
Our internet router is not working. Will the system work?
The system will still work perfectly. However, when there is no internet (router not working), emails will not be delivered (close accounting email will not be delivered for example).
Tickets are not scanning
This document will give more details about ticket problems. As a summary, when tickets are not scanning:
- ticket is not in good quality
- ticket is expired
- ticket is promotional
- ticket is duplicate
Ticket finder is the best tool to search for these tickets. Make sure to filter by a longer time frame.
Match play configuration
These two documents will specify different match play configurations:
Wrong fill transaction
When a wrong fill transaction is done, two options can be followed:
1. The cashier can correct the transaction by following this document:
Correcting a wrong Fill transaction
2. The manager can delete the transaction and insert another one:
Closings not delivered
In this case, the causes are related to:
1. Server couldn't deliver the emails because there was no internet connection at the location when the email was sent.
2. Email was not correctly registered at the task responsible for sending emails.
This document will give the details of such causes.
Nevertheless, the report can be delivered/sent again. This document will give the step by step on how to get the last closing report.
Vendor reports
The system offers a variety of reports. The main reports for slots are:
- Cash Balance
- Slot Meters
Both of them can be accessed via Management module, Reports icon. Also, we have the following documents explaining each column and how it is calculated:
The admin/manager can issue such reports manually, or schedule them to be delivered daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. The following document shows how to schedule this task in the system:
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