This document will go over and explain the concepts involved under the "Slot Meters - Time Range" report, that can be issue by EasyLinx instantly, when following the path:
Once the page is opened, on the left, you can select "Slots" and then, select the blue icon on the left:
After selecting the desired time frame and slots to be included, click "Apply" and then "Run". A report will appear, and the user can explore different options (downloading to PDF, Excel, etc). The columns involved in this report will be covered in this document:
- Group: Group that machine is included on.
- Game: Type of the slot machine.
- Bill In: Money inserted in the slot.
- Tickets Cashed (cashier): Cashble tickets issued by the machine redeemed at the cashier.
- Cash Balance: is equal to "Cash In" minus "Tickets Cashed (cashier)".
- Promo Tickets In: Amount in $ (dollars), of promotional tickets inserted.
- Total In: is the cash and all the types of tickets inserted in the slot (promos, matchplay, bonus, etc).
- Total out: is the cash and all the types of tickets that the slot has generated (issued)
- Handled: is the difference between "Total In" and "Total Out"
- Coin In: is the value that has been bet by the player(s), including the re-bet of the player’s wager.
- Coin Out: is the value that the machine has awarded the player(s)
- Jackpot: Jackpots issued by the machine. (machine specific Jackpot)
- Net Win: is the difference between ‘Coin in’ and ‘Coin out’
- Yield: is the performance of the machine (player’s wage) measured by the ‘Coin out’+’Jackpot’/’Coin in’
- Days: Number of days that the slot has been online for the selected time frame. Example: if the slot has been online all business day and the time frame of the report is 'Last Closing', this number will be '1d'.
- Meter Age: This number indicates how old is the electronic reading reported to system. For example: if the slot has been reported to the system all day and the time frame of the report is 'Last Closing', this number will be '0h'.
Side Notes:
Match play collected on a specific machine?
On each machine we see a column called "Match play collected". What does it mean? Example:
A customer comes in and requests a match play (20 dollars for a 30 dollar promotional ticket). The cashier will receive 20 dollars for this match play (revenue/income).
When the customer uses the match play promotional ticket in machine number 1 (example), those 20 dollars collected at the cashier will be designated to this machine specifically. So, in the column "Match play collected", using this example, it will show 20 dollars.
Tickets cashed at cashier, what it means?
For each machine we see a column called "Tickets cashed (cashier)". To better understand this concept we will go over an example.
A customer is playing on the machine number 1 and cashes out. The machine number 1 issues a 20 dollar cashable ticket. If the customer goes to the cashier and scans this ticket, the machine number 1 will be accounted for those 20 dollars. On the column "Tickets cashed (cashier)", we will see the amount of 20 dollars.
And what happens if the cashable ticket goes to another machine (machine number 2 for example) instead of being scanned at the cashier?
Then, machine number 1 will not be accounted for the ticket. If the player insert the 20 dollar cashable ticket at machine number 2, cashes out without even playing, and go to the cashier to scan the 20 dollar ticket, machine number 2 will be accounted for that amount. Afterwards when looking at the report, we will see 20 dollars on the column "Tickets cashed (cashier)" on machine number 2.
How Hand Pays are included in meters?
Once handpay happens, a message will appear on the screen. At this time, only "Coin out" meter is affected. If the key is used to get the message out, "Total out" meter will also be affected.
There is a specific meter for "Hand Pay", but some machines, depending on their software, don't update this meter.
Total In detail.
Total In in a TITO setup is never used. Too many variables that are not accounting nor performance related.
Total In is a meter only used when the slot is standalone.
Cash balance reports should be used for accounting purposes.
Coin in/out meters from the meters report should be used for performance analysis purposes.
This amount may include cash in, cashable ticket in, promo ticket in, transfer in, bonus in, etc, that is why EasyLinx separates into two main areas of its reports: performance and accounting.
If the clients want to audit this column, (s)he will have to audit the machine itself.
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