This guide will help us understand the hot bonus and how to work in the system.
3. How to setup Hot Bonus in the System
What is Hot Bonus?
Hot bonus was a request from some of our customers. It is a reinvestment functionality. Players will be able to “claim” a special bonus (claimable only at specific times of the month/day of the week). The bonus will be based on a percentage of the period’s win/loss (loss only) or a percentage of the period theoretical (which makes more sense from a CRS - Casino Reinvestment Strategy perspective).
Bonus Strategy:
In the system, there are two bonus strategies to apply win/loss (loss only) or theoretical.
Win/loss (loss only) - If every player play during the week (starting on Monday and ending Sunday) will be taken 10% bonus of lost money. Exemple, player X bets 100 wins 20, and loses 80, so he going to receive 8 as a bonus. It’s a safe way to reward, just not what casinos normally do. We discourage this option - more details in question 6 on the FAQ section at the end of the document.
Theoretical - it’s the theoretical hold based on cashable bets. For example. A player bets $100 on a slot spin. This slot has a paytable set to 90% yield (10% hold). It does not matter what amount the player wins on that spin. The theoretical House Advantage “HA” (hold) is $10 or 10% (would be $5.26 in an American Roulette table, 5.26% hold/HA). In this scenario, If you reward a bonus of 5% of the $10 theoretical HA, the bonus would be $0.50 cents.
How to set up Hot Bonus in the System:
1. With the correct permission (special user permission), go to Marketing -> Marketing Campaigns -> Hot Bonus Campaigns
2. When you enter on Hot Bonus Campaigns, you are going to see this page:
On the left side, is "Campaign info". Field explanation:
Description: campaign title.
Registration Start: when will players be able to start claiming their bonus.
Registration End: time when registration ends.
Percentage (%): percentage of Theo or Win/loss (only losses) that will be considered on the reinvestment.
Bonus Strategy: can be Win/Loss or Theoretical.
Days to Account: select how many days before the system should consider reinvesting (example > consider only the last 7 days of gaming activity to be calculated and then reinvested).
Minimum Bonus Amount: minimum bonus amount that can be claimed.
Maximum Bonus Amount: maximum bonus amount that can be claimed (limitation of 10000 -> create more campaigns if needed).
Payment Method: cashable ticket, promo ticket, point wallet, cash wallet, and promo wallet.
Receipt Copies: select how many receipts will be printed once the player registers.
Notify Users (claim): notify system users of claiming activity.
Player Count: number of players that already claimed their bonus.
Created By: user that created the Campaign.
Cashier can access only campaigns that are open for registration at the current time. Cashier will register those players that will receive the bonus amount according to the configuration made by the marketing team.
Frequently Asked - FAQ
1 - Can we set the timing (weekly/monthly/both) for when the player claims the rebate?
Timing: yes. You set the number of days to be considered for the claim. For example: Friday night you can claim, from 5-11 pm, and it considers the last 7 days for your bonus. We suggest setting the claim times when it’s busy in the beginning. So people get to know it. Later, set your claim for low activity times, so you force people to come back when it’s slow.
2 - Can we set the percentage of the win/loss?
Percentage of WinLoss. Yes. The win/loss percentage is actually on the period loss. No bonus on wins. Alternatively, you can use the theoretical, instead of WinLoss. It’s actually a better choice, as Theo is directly in sync with a conventional reinvestment strategy in a casino.
3. How do we track it within the system?
Tracking. The system tracks the players that already claimed the bonus. It flags the player to avoid reclaim on the same promo cycle, and it record the player reward, so it registers the bonus prize to the player.
4 - So let's say we set it to trigger every Monday (based on a Monday - Sunday gameplay) Automation:
I suggest not doing it automatically, however, our plan is to allow automation (automatically reward player bonus based on the settings, like 7 days, % of WinLoss or Theo, etc).
I strongly suggest forcing players to claim it at the cashier or marketing desk.
Many reasons: It gives you more player interaction. Your player will know and seek the bonus, you can define the day of the week they must be present to claim (this is the best part). Automatic prizes we feel is a waste of promotional budget. Players will be rewarded and many times not even know it. But… it’s doable. You may run automated if desired.
5 - Re win/loss %, please explain why it's beneficial to use the theoretical instead and how is it calculated vs win/loss?
WinLoss: is the cashable Netwin of a player. Bet $100, Win $90.
Netwin -$10 (loss of $10).
If you reward a bonus of 5% of WinLoss, you’d pay this player $0.50 cents.
If the player wins or ties (no loss) you’d pay nothing.
It’s a safe way to reward, just not what casinos normally do.
Our system has the option to not account for losses on playable bets. Which is proper. If the player bets $20 playable and wins $15. The WinLoss result is a win of $15 (zero bets considered, it’s promo).
Theoretical: it’s the theoretical hold based on cashable bets.
For example. A player bets $100 on a slot spin. This slot has a paytable set to 90% yield (10% hold). It does not matter what amount the player wins on that spin. The theoretical House Advantage “HA” (hold) is $10 or 10% (would be $5.26 in an American Roulette table, 5.26% hold/HA).
In this scenario, If you reward a bonus of 5% of the $10 theoretical HA, the bonus would be $0.50 cents.
6 - Also, I’m assuming this will be available site-wide across tables and slots?
Correct. Both theoretical and WinLoss data are acquired on slots and tables.
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